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Button "Show role mapping"

Button 'Show role mapping'

What it does

This function opens the axesWord - role mapping task pane.

Use it for

To change the default role assignment for the following elements in your document:

  • Figures (automatically recognized role Figure)
  • Tables (automatically recognized role Table)
  • Text boxes (automatically recognized role Text Box)
  • Header or footer (automatically recognized role Artifact)

How to use it

  1. Click the button Show Role Mapping to open the context-sensitive task pane axesWord - Role Mapping.
  2. Select a picture, a table, a text box or edit a header or footer in your document and assign them the appropriate role.
  3. Create a suitable alternative text for all elements that require this (figures and formulas).
  4. Done.

Role assignments at a glance

An image is selected:

task pane 'axesWord-Rolemapping' of a figure; drop-down menu is open

You can assign the following roles to images, shapes, SmartArt, diagrams and WordArt:

  • Default
    This setting means that the element in question is converted according to the information supplied by Word. In the case of a figure, this is usually the role Figure. Do not forget to enter an alternative text.
  • Figure
    You should make this selection if you want to assign the role Figure to a figure in any case (the difference to the role Default is that this element is always converted in the PDF as an image, i.e. as a Figure structure element). Do not forget to enter an alternative text.
  • Formula
    You should make this selection if you want to assign the role Formula to a figure. Do not forget to add an alternative text.
  • Artifact
    You should make this selection if you want to assign the role Artifact to a figure. An alternative text is not necessary in this case.

A table is selected:

task pane 'axesWord-Rolemapping' of a table; drop-down menu is open

You can assign the following roles to tables:

  • Default
    This setting means that the element in question is converted according to the information supplied by Word. In the case of a table, this is usually the role Table.
  • Table
    You should make this selection if you want to assign the role Table to a table in any case.
  • Layout Table
    You should make this selection if you want to assign the role Layout Table to a table. Do not forget to specify the appropriate reading direction of the rows and columns. No table structure element will then appear in the PDF. The elements contained in the table are transferred to the tag structure according to the specified reading direction.
  • Definition List
    You should make this selection if you want to assign the role Definition List to a table - for example for a glossary or list of abbreviations (note: the entries in the left-hand column are converted to Lbl structure elements in the PDF, while the entries in the right-hand column(s) are converted to P structure elements within the corresponding LBody structure element).

Optionally, you can enter a short summary of the table in the text input field Alternative Text.

A text box is selected:

task pane 'axesWord-Rolemapping' of a text box; drop-down menu is open

You can assign the following roles to text frames:

  • Default
    This setting means that the element in question is converted according to the information supplied by Word. In the case of a text box, this is usually the role Text Box.
  • Figure
    You should make this selection if you want to assign the role Figure to a text box. Do not forget to enter an alternative text.
  • Formula
    You should make this selection if you want to assign the role Formula to a text box. Do not forget to insert an alternative text.
  • Text Box
    You should make this selection if you want to assign the role Text Box to a text box in any case.
  • Artifact
    You should make this selection if you want to assign the role Artifact to a text box. An alternative text is not necessary in this case.

If you have placed a link on the text box (as a whole), you can use an additional drop-down menu to specify whether this link should be included in the PDF or not.

task pane 'axesWord-Rolemapping' of a text box; drop-down menu to adopt link in PDF is open

A header or footer is edited:

task pane 'axesWord-Rolemapping' of a header; drop-down menu is open

You can assign the following roles to headers or footers:

  • Default
    This setting means that the element in question is converted according to the information supplied by Word. For headers or footers, this is usually the role Artifact and means that the headers or footers are marked as artifacts.
  • Section Header
    You should make this selection if you want to assign the role Section Header to a header or footer. The contents of the header or footer are integrated into the logical structure tree and thus made accessible. The position in the structure tree is set to the start of the respective Word section. If there are no section breaks in the document, the contents of the header or footer are listed at the very beginning of the logical structure tree.
  • Section Trailer
    You should make this selection if you want to assign the role Section Trailer to a header or footer. The contents of the header or footer are integrated into the logical structure tree and thus made accessible. The position in the structure tree is set to the end of the Word section. If there are no section breaks in the document, the contents of the header or footer are listed at the very end of the logical structure tree.
  • Artifact
    You should make this selection if you want to assign the role Artifact to a header or footer in any case.

Enter alternative text

Enter a short description of the image or the linearized form of the formula in the text input field Alternative Text.

task pane 'axesWord-Rolemapping' of a figure; alternative text was entered