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Button "Document settings"

Button 'Document settings'

What it does

This function opens the Document settings dialog box.

Use it for

The Document settings dialog box is used

  1. to assign roles to paragraph styles.
    We differentiate between:
    • Paragraph styles that already exist in Word:
      These are already assigned to the their corresponding roles by default. As a rule, you normally do not need to change anything here.
    • User-defined paragraph styles:
      If necessary, the appropriate roles must be assigned to these styles. Use cases are roles for header cells for tables or roles for list continue styles. As a rule, the creator of the document template should have already done this for you, as this requires deeper knowledge of PDF accessibility.
  2. to make changes to the settings for initial view when opening the PDF.
  3. to set the position of the footnotes/endnotes in the logical structure tree (this allows you to determine the position of the "Note" structure elements in the structure tree).

How to use it

1. Set role assignments for paragraph styles

  1. Click on the Document settings button in the axesWord tab.
  2. The Document settings dialog box appears.
    Dialogue box: Document Settings

    axesWord automatically assigns appropriate roles to paragraph styles if no other assignments are available, e.g. for:
    • Heading styles of levels 1-9 (based on outline levels)
    • Captions (based on the Word function Insert caption)
    • Tables of contents, tables of figures or tables (if these were created using the corresponding Word function)
    • Lists (if these were created using the buttons Bullets, Numbering or Multilevel List in Word or were created using correctly created paragraph styles)
    • Block quotations (if they have been assigned to the styles Quote or Intense Quote)

    You may need to assign a semantic role to the user-defined paragraph styles. The role "Default" is set by default. This is based on the natural semantics of the element. In many cases, this is the role "Paragraph". However, this automatic role assignment can be changed to the following roles:

    • Paragraph
    • Title
    • Subtitle
    • Heading (outline level 1-100)
    • List Continue (outline level 1-10)
    • Caption
    • BlockQuote
    • Header Cell (Complex Table)
    • Header Cell (Simple Table)
    • Artifact

    Note: The use cases in which you need to make role assignments for paragraph styles are column and row headers in tables and paragraph styles for list continues.

  3. Select the style for which you want to change the role assignment from the list of styles on the left-hand side and select the corresponding role from the drop-down list on the right-hand side.
    Dialogue box: Document Settings; role drop-down open

    If necessary, make further settings for outline levels or scopes.

  4. Click on the button OK to save the settings.

2. Change settings for initial view after opening the PDF

In the Document settings dialog box, switch to the Initial View tab.

The recommended settings for opening a PDF are already set. If required, you can make the desired changes here.

Dialogue box: Document Settings; tab 'Initial View'

3. Define the position of the footnotes/endnotes in the logical structure tree.

In the Document settings dialog box, switch to the Advanced tab.

Dialogue box: Document Settings; tab 'Advanced'
The default setting is that all footnotes/endnotes (i. e. all "Note" structure elements) are listed at the very end of the logical structure tree (setting After the document).

If desired, you can change this setting - separately for footnotes and endnotes - so that the footnotes or endnotes are listed directly after the respective paragraph (choose the setting After the paragraph).

Dialogue box: Document Settings; tab 'Advanced', dropdown menu for footnote position is open