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How to manually add necessary entries in the client's machine registry

1. Open the Registry Editor

  1. Press the Windows key on the keyboard, enter "reg" and then click on the "Registry Editor" app
    Screenshot of the dialog box with highlighted app Registry Editor

2. Set location

The necessary entries can be made at the following 4 locations. The locations are sorted by priority. The first place where an entry is found is used by the axes4 application:

  1. HKEY LocalMachine\Software\Policies\axes4\Licensing (admin rights necessary)
  2. HKEY CurrentUser\Software\Policies\axes4\Licensing (admin rights necessary)
  3. HKEY LocalMachine\Software\axes4\Licensing (admin rights necessary)
  4. HKEY CurrentUser\Software\axes4\Licensing (user could do this himself)

What is the difference between LocalMachine and CurrentUser?

  • "LocalMachine" means: for the local machine
  • "CurrentUser" means: for the currently logged-in user

When does it make sense to add the entries to the key "Policies"
(see location 1 or 2 above)?

  • If you want to centrally manage policies
  • If you want to prevent the entries from being changed by the users

3. Making entries

Create key

As a rule, all required keys must be created before the entries can be added. The 3 required keys are:

  • axes4

    • Licensing

      • Manager

Example: Create key axes4 as a sub-item to policies:

  1. Use the right mouse button on the "Policies" key to access the context menu.
  2. In the menu item "New" select the submenu item "Key":
  3. Assign the name "ActiveConnections" for the new entry

Add entries

Example: Create the entry for the ActiveConnections

  1. Use the right mouse button over the "Manager" key to access the context menu.
  2. In the "New" menu item, select the submenu item "String Value":
  3. Assign the name "ActiveConnections" for the new entry.
  4. Using the right mouse button open the entry "Modify ...".
  5. Enter the Value data "agent" here:
    Screenshot of the dialog box: Edit string
  6. Check if the entry is correct: