In dieser Tabelle finden Sie alle Symbole für die Strukturelemente in alphabetischer Reihenfolge.
Tag | Strukturelement | Symbol Anfang | Symbol Ende |
<Annot> | Annotation | ||
<Art> | Article | - | |
<BibEntry> | Bibliography entry | ||
<BlockQuote> | Block quotation | - | |
<Caption> | Caption | - | |
<Code> | Code | ||
<Div> | Division | - | |
<Document> | Document | - | |
<Figure> | Figure | ||
<Form> | Form | - | |
<Formula> | Formula | ||
<H> | Heading | - | |
<H1> | Heading1 | - | |
<H2> | Heading2 | - | |
<H3> | Heading3 | - | |
<H4> | Heading4 | - | |
<H5> | Heading5 | - | |
<H6> | Heading6 | - | |
<Index> | Index | - | |
<L> | List | - | |
<Lbl> | Label | - | |
<LBody> | List body | - | |
<LI> | List item | - | |
<Link> | Link | ||
<NonStruct> | Nonstructural element | - | |
<Note> | Note | ||
<P> | Paragraph | - | |
<Part> | Part | - | |
<Private> | Private element | - | |
<Quote> | Quotation | - | |
<RB> | Ruby base text | ||
<Reference> | Reference | ||
<RP> | Ruby punctuation | ||
<RT> | Ruby annotation text | ||
<Ruby> | Ruby | ||
<Sect> | Section | - | |
<Span> | Span | ||
<Table> | Table | - | |
<TBody> | Table body row group | - | |
<TD> | Table data cell | - | |
<TFoot> | Table footer row group | - | |
<TH> | Table header cell | - | |
<THead> | Table header row group | - | |
<TOC> | Table of contents | - | |
<TOCI> | Table of contents item | - | |
<TR> | Table row | - | |
<Warichu> | Warichu | ||
<WP> | Warichu punctuation | ||
<WT> | Warichu text |