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Full-Featured Trial

You can use the trial of axesSlide without registration but with the following limitations:

  • A demo annotation is inserted on the first page of the PDF.
  • Each page contains a watermark.
  • Random letters are colored green.
  • The text "Demo version" is inserted in random places (only readable for users of Assistive Technologies).
  • Settings are not saved in the document.

Screenshot: Dialog box Trial mode.

Download and install the latest version

For downloading axesSlide go to the download site of axesSlide.

Please pay attention to the system requirements on the download site.

If the version to be installed is newer than the version already installed, there is no need to uninstall the old one. However, if any problems occur during installation process, the old version should be uninstalled first before the new version is installed.

Tip: axesPDF as a Professional Checking Tool

If you have to evaluate accessible PDFs, the professional checking tool axesPDF is a good choice - check it out!