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Insert Spaces

What it does

This command inserts spaces between words without spaces. The settings can be customized:

  • Missing space width (% of height)
  • Acceptable base line displacement (% of height)
  • Max. truncation of space (% of space width)
  • Max. extent of space (% of space width)

Use it for

Inserting spaces if the panel Preview shows words without spaces.

How to use it

  1. Click in the ribbon tab Content on the button Insert Spaces
    Button: Insert Spaces
  2. The dialogue box Insert Spaces opens.
    Dialogue box: Insert Spaces
  3. Use the default settings and click on the button OK.
  4. Re-ceck your document visually by using the panel Preview.
  5. If there are still some missing spaces left go to the dialogue box Insert Spaces again, customize the settings and click on the button OK.
  6. Maybe you have to find the best settings by trial and error.

Related accessibility issues

Missing spaces can cause severe presentation problems.