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Fix Roles

What it does

This command opens the "Fix Rolemapping" window. There you can change or determine for every tag in the document the role by choosing a standard PDF tag in the right coloumn. Advanced users also can enter user-defined roles which have to be mapped to standard PDF tags.

Use it for

Fixing all kind of rolemapping issues like missing mapping or unallowed mapping.

For standard PDF tag no rolemapping is allowed. In this case delete the corresponding role by clicking the cross.

How to use it

  1. Click in the tab "Logical Structure" on the button "Fix Roles".
    Button: Fix Roles
  2. The dialog window "Fix Rolemapping" opens.
  3. If there are no customized tags on the left side, everything is ok, because you only use PDF standard tags.
  4. If there are customized tags on the left side, check their role and edit it if necessary. The signs at the beginning of every line show you if your mapping is theoretically correct:
    • The warning symbol means, that the related mapping is not allowed and that you have to edit or delete it.
    • A hook means that the mapping is formally correct.
      Dialogue box: Fix Rolemapping; dropdown menu open
  5. Confirm your new rolemapping by clicking on the button "OK".
  6. The job is done!

Related checkpoint

Matterhorn Protocol (PDF/UA)

There are several failure conditions that are dealing with rolemapping issues:

  • Checkpoint 19: Notes and references, Failure Conditions 19-003 & 19-004

Also see: Matterhorn Protocol - PDF/UA translated into checkpoints

Also see: Non-standard structure type "Story" is neither mapped to a standard structure type nor to another non-standard structure type

Related reference

ISO 32000-1 (PDF)

  • 14.7.2, Table 323

Also see: PDF specification (ISO 32000)

ISO 14289-1 (PDF/UA)

  • 8.9 Notes and references

Also see: ISO 14289 (PDF/UA)

Related accessibility issues

Appropriate tags are crucial for a rich logical document structure. If you use customized tags you have to check their roles in order to create an accessible document that is machine-readable and capable for screen reader navigation.