Use PowerPoint's list tools for numbered and bulleted lists. You WILL find these in the ribbon under the Home tab in the Paragraph function group.
Use the Bullets button to create a bulleted list. You can change the bullet symbol by using the arrow to the right of the button.
Note: You can select a user-defined image as a bullet. However, it is not possible to specify an alt text for bullets. When exporting as a PDF with axesSlide, the image is only transferred to the Logical Document Structure as a normal bullet point ("•", Unicode character U+2022). If you want users who use Assistive Technologies to be informed about the content of the image, it is best to write a short description in the text of list item. Here is an example:
Use the Numbering button to create a numbered list. You can change the numbering using the arrow to the right of the button.
You can use the Increase List Level and Decrease List Level buttons to create lists with multiple levels.