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Ribbon tab "axesSlide" Disappeared?

Note: First follow all the steps in section (1). If the problem persits, go to section (2)

(1) Start the add-in Using PowerPoint's Options

  1. In PowerPoint, click on the ribbon tab File (left hand side, on top).
  2. Then click on the Options button below - the dialog box  PowerPoint Options appears.
  3. Click on Add-Ins on the left side.

On the right side you will now see a list of the installed add-ins, which are divided into the following groups:

Check whether the add-in axesSlide is in one of the groups and follow the corresponding instructions.

axesSlide Add-In not Found?

If you have not found the axesSlide add-in in any of these four groups, you must install axesSlide again.

Group 1: "Active Application Add-Ins"

The axesSlide add-in is correctly installed and the tab axesSlide appears in the ribbon.

Screenshot: PowerPoint Options dialog box, Add-ins menu item is selected. axesSlide is in the 'Active Application Add-ins' group.

The add-in axesSlide is there and working.

Group 2: "Inactive Application Add-Ins"

  1. Select the axesSlide add-in in the list of inactive Application Add-Ins.
    Screenshot: PowerPoint Options dialog box, Add-ins menu item is selected. axesSlide is in the 'Inactive Application Add-ins' group.
  2. Then select in the drop-down menu Manage: (at the bottom of the dialog box) the menu option COM add-ins and click the Go... button.
  3. The dialog box COM Add-Ins appears. There you will find all inactive add-ins (checkbox not activated).
    Screenshot: COM Add-ins dialog box. The checkbox for axesSlide is deactivated.
  4. Activate the checkbox at axesSlide.
    Screenshot: COM Add-ins dialog box. The checkbox for axesSlide is activated.
  5. Click the button OK.
  6. The ribbon tab axesSlide appears in the menu bar again (this process may take a moment).

Group 3: "Document Related Add-Ins"

This is not relevant for axesSlide.

Group 4: "Disabled Application Add-Ins"

  1. Select in the drop-down menu Manage: (at the bottom of the dialog box) the menu option Disabled Items and click the button Go....
    Screenshot: PowerPoint Options dialog box, Add-ins menu item is selected. axesSlide is in the 'Disabled Application Add-ins' group.
  2. The dialog box Disabled Items appears. There you will find all deactivated add-ins.
    Screenshot: Disabled Items dialog box. axesSlide is listed there.
  3. Select the axesSlide add-in and click the button Activate.
  4. Close and restart PowerPoint and the tab axesSlide will appear in the ribbon.

(2) Force the add-in to start via the registry

  1. Open registry editor: Press the windows button on your keyboard an enter "reg". Now, click the app Registry Editor.
    Screenshot: In the Windows taskbar, 'reg' was entered in the search and the registry editor appears in the search results.
  2. Open the following path registry editor:
    Screenshot: Registry editor with opened path of 'axesSlide.Addin'.
  3. Open the LoadBehavior registry key there.
    Screenshot: Dialog window of the 'LoadBehavior' registry key with value '3'.

If the Value data of "LoadBehavior" is anything other than "3" then follow these steps:

  1. Close PowerPoint. Make sure the "powerpnt.exe" process is not running in the Windows Task Manager.

  2. Open the registry editor. Double-click the Loadbehavior registry key to edit it.

  3. Change the Value data to "3." Close the registry editor.

  4. Re-open the registry editor to ensure "3" is still there.

  5. Open PowerPoint. The add-in should now load automatically at startup.