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Which axesWord role mappings lead to which structure elements in the PDF?

With axesWord you have the possibility to assign roles to

  1. elements within the document (these are figures, tables, text boxes or headers/footers)
  2. paragraph styles.

In the following overview, we show you which role mappings lead to which structure elements in the PDF.

1. Role mappings to elements in the document with the axesWord - role mapping pane

Element in the document axesWord role mapping In the PDF the element will become...
Figure Default

This setting means that the element is converted according to the information supplied by Word.

In the case of a figure, this is usually Figure.

Figure Figure
Formula Formula
Artifact Element will be marked as Artifact.
Table Default

This setting means that the element is converted according to the information supplied by Word.

In the case of a table, this is usually Table (with subordinated TR and subordinated TH respective TD).

Table Table (with subordinated TR and subordinated TH respective TD).
Layout table

Structure elements according to the formatting of the paragraphs (usually P or Hn).

Sequence of the structure elements according to the selected setting.

Definition list

L (first column Lbl, further columns LBody).

Text box Default

This setting means that the element is converted according to the information supplied by Word.

In the case of a text box, this is usually Div (with subordinated structure elements according to the formatting of the paragraphs in the text box (usually P or Hn)).

Figure Figure
Formula Formula
Text box Div (with subordinated structure elements according to the formatting of the paragraphs in the text box (usually P or Hn)).

Element will be marked as Artifact.



This setting means that the element is converted according to the information supplied by Word.

In the case of a header/footer, this means usually that the element will be marked as Artifact.

Section header P (Position in the logical structure tree: at the beginning of the Word section).
Section trailer P (Position in the logical structure tree: at the end of the Word section).
Artifact Element will be marked as Artifact.


2. Role mappings for paragraph styles in the axesWord document settings

Role mapping for a paragraph style is... In the PDF the paragraph will become...

This setting means that the paragraph is converted according to the information supplied by Word. This is usually P.

In case of styles with outline level: Hn.

In case of caption created with Word: Caption

In case of table of contents created with Word: TOC

Paragraph P
Title Title
Subtitle Subtitle
Heading Hn
List continue P (within LBody when used within a list)
Caption Caption
Block quote BlockQuote
Header cell (simple table) TH (with "Scope" attribute)
Header cell (complexe table) TH (TDs will get Header IDs)
Artifact Paragraph will be marked as Artifact.