Answers to frequently asked questions
- Warning message: The document contains connected text boxes.
- How to create new styles in Microsoft Word
- How to create an archivable accessible PDF (PDF/A) with axesWord®
- What is PDF/A?
- PAC error message: String was not recognized as a valid Date Time
- Message "Linked file isn't available. [...]"
- Control update notification via registry entry
- Disable Word's feature "Track Changes" before converting
- Figure marked as Artifact, although it is relevant content
- Are emojis supported?
- Metadata: Optional configuration feature
- Ribbon tab "axesWord" disappeared
- Error message: Unexpected error | Stack empty.
- Error message: Unexpected error | Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
- Error message: Unexpected error | Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
- Error message: Unexpected error | Unsupported pixel format
- How to find the version number of axesWord?
- May I convert my document in the "Compatibility Mode"
- How to recognize whether all fonts are installed
- How do I create suitable alternative texts for figures?
- How can I deactivate the update notifications?
- How to find the detailed version number of Word?
- Error message: FindNext
- Fonts are not transferred correctly to PDF
- Create a new multilevel list
- Konversionsfehler - Character not found in font
- How to create accessible tables