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First, check which table you are dealing with:

  1. a data table:
    Contains column and/or row headers and data cells
  2. a layout table:
    Used exclusively for a specific arrangement of text
  3. a definition list:
    Tables such as lists of abbreviations or symbols or glossaries

Assign then one of the following roles accordingly.

1. Data table

In the context-sensitive task pane axesWord - Role Mapping, you can use the role Default (should axesWord does not automatically recognize the element as a table, explicitly select the role Table).

Word with table; axesWord-Rolemapping is Default

Using axesWord version 24.0.0 Beta (or higher)

If you have a simple table with only one header row and/or row headings only in the first column, you can work with the table style options in Word (you do not need to create customized styles as described below). See also New features for tables in axesWord 24.0.0 Beta

For complex tables, it is still necessary to create customized styles and the corresponding role assignments. The basic procedure is as follows:

  1. Assign customized styles for column and row headers. You could create the styles "Header Column", "Header Row".
  2. Assign the correct role for that styles in the axesWord Document Settings.

For more detailed information see our manual Create accessible tables with axesWord.

2. Layout table

In the task pane axesWord - Role Mapping change the role to Layout Table and define the reading direction.

Word with table; axesWord-Rolemapping is Layout table

3. Definition list

In the task pane axesWord - Role Mapping change the role to Definition List.

Word with table; axesWord-Rolemapping is Definition list